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- Folschweiller S, Sauer JF (2022) Phase-specific pooling of sparse assembly activity by respiration-related brain oscillations. J Physiol, 600(8):1991-2011
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- Elgueta C, Bartos M (2019) Dendritic inhibition differentially regulates excitability of dentate gyrus parvalbumin-expressing interneurons and granule cells. Nature Comm 10:5561. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-01913533-3.
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- Hainmüller T, Bartos M (2018) Parallel emergence of stable and dynamic memory engrams in the hippocampus. Nature 558:292-96.
- Sauer JF, Strüber M, Bartos M (2018) Recording Spatially Restricted Oscillations in the Hippocampus of Behaving Mice. Jove-j Vis Expdoi:10.3791/57714.
- Abs E, Poorthuis RB, Apelblat D, Muhammad K, Pardi MB, Enke L, Kushinsky D, Pu D, Eizinger MF, Conzelmann K-K, Spiegel I, Letzkus JJ (2018) Learning-related plasticity in dendrite-targeting layer 1 interneurons. Neuron, 100:684-699. Highlighted by: Hou WH & Capogna M (2018) Neuron 100:516-519.
- Poorthuis RB, Muhammad K, Wang M, Verhoog MB, Junek S, Wrana A, Mansvelder HD, Letzkus JJ (2018) Rapid Neuromodulation of Layer 1 Interneurons in Human Neocortex. Cell Reports 23:951-958.
- Mager T, Lopez de la Morena D, Senn V, Schlotte J, A DE, Feldbauer K, Wrobel C, Jung S, Bodensiek K, Rankovic V, Browne L, Huet A, Juttner J, Wood PG, Letzkus JJ, Moser T, Bamberg E (2018) High frequency neural spiking and auditory signaling by ultrafast red-shifted optogenetics. Nature Commun. 9:1750.
- Ziegler-Waldkirch S, Errico P, Sauer JF, Erny D, Savanthrapadian S, Loreth D, Katzmarski N, Blank T, Bartos M, Prinz M, Meyer-Luehmann M (2017) Seed-induced A-beta deposition is modulated by microglia under environmental enrichment. EMBO Journal, 37:167
- Strüber M, Sauer JF, Jonas P, Bartos M (2017) Distance-dependent inhibition supports focality of gamma oscillations. (2017) Nature Commun. 8:758
- Yuan M, Meyer T, Benkowitz C, Savanthrapadian S, Ansel-Bollepalli L, Foggetti A, Wulff P, Alcami P, Elgueta C, Bartos M (2017) Somatostatin-positive interneurons in the dentate gyrus of mice provide local- and long-range septal synaptic inhibition. eLife 6 e21105
- Biskamp J, Bartos M, Sauer JF (2017) Organization of prefrontal network activity by respiration-related oscillations. Sci Rep 7:45508
- Veit J, Hakim R, Jadi M, Sejnowski T, Adesnik H (2017): Cortical gamma band synchronization through somatostatin interneurons. Nature Neuroscience 20(7):951-959
- De Luna P, Veit J, Rainer G (2017): Basal forebrain activation enhances between-trial reliability of low-frequency local field potentials (LFP) and spiking activity in tree shrew primary visual cortex (V1). Brain Struct Funct 222:4239
- Elgueta C, Köhler J, Bartos M (2015) Persistent discharges in dentate gyrus perisoma-inhibiting interneurons require hyperpolarization-activated cyclic nucleotide-gated channel activation. J Neurosci 35:4131-4139
- Sauer JF, Strüber M, Bartos M (2015) Impaired fast-spiking interneuron function in a genetic mouse model of depression. eLife 2015;10.7554/eLife.04979
- Strüber M, Jonas P, Bartos M (2015) Strength and duration of perisomatic GABAergic inhibition depend on distance between synaptically connected cells. PNAS USA ePub ahead of print; doi:10.1073/pnas.1423628112
- Hainmüller T, Krieglstein K, Kulik A, Bartos M (2014) Joint CP-AMPA and group I mGlu receptor activation is required for synaptic plasticity in dentate gyrus fast-spiking interneurons. PNAS USA 111:13211-13216.
- Savanthrapadian S, Meyer T, Elgueta C, Booker S, Vida I, Bartos M (2014) Synaptic properties of SOM- and CCK-expressing cells in dentate gyrus interneuron networks. J Neurosci 34:8197-8209.
- Wolff SB, Grundemann J, Tovote P, Krabbe S, Jacobson GA, Muller C, Herry C, Ehrlich I, Friedrich RW, Letzkus JJ, Luthi A (2014) Amygdala interneuron subtypes control fear learning through disinhibition. Nature 509:453-458. Highlighted by: Ozawa T & Johansen JP (2014) Current Biology 24, R690-693.
- Senn V, Wolff SB, Herry C, Grenier F, Ehrlich I, Grundemann J, Fadok JP, Muller C, Letzkus JJ, Luthi A (2014) Long-range connectivity defines behavioral specificity of amygdala neurons. Neuron 81:428-437.
- Poorthuis RB, Enke L, Letzkus JJ (2014) Cholinergic circuit modulation through differential recruitment of neocortical interneuron types during behaviour. The Journal of Physiology 592:4155-4164.
- Mallmann RT, Elgueta C, Sleman F, Castonguay J, Wilmes T, van den Maagdenberg A, Klugbauer N (2013) Ablation of CaV2.1 voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in mouse forebrain generates multiple cognitive impairments. PLoS One 8:e78598. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0078598.
- Hosp JA, Strüber M, Yanagawa Y, Obata K, Vida I, Jonas P, Bartos M (2013) Morpho-physiological criteria divide dentate gyrus interneurons into classes. Hippocampus 24:189-203.
- Bartos M, Elgueta C (2012) Functional characteristics of parvalbumin- and cholecystokinin-expressing basket cells. J Physiol (Lond) 590:669-681.
- Ho EC, Strüber M, Bartos M, Zhang L, Skinner FK (2012) Inhibitory networks of fast-spiking interneurons generate slow population activities due to fluctuations and network multistability. J Neurosci 32:9931-9946.
- Sauer J-F, Strüber M, Bartos M (2012) Interneurons provide circuit-specific depolarization and hyperpolarization. J Neurosci 32:4224-4229.
- Murray AJ, Sauer J, Mcclure CJ, Cheyne LA, Riedel G, Bartos M, Wisden W, Wulff P (2011) Parvalbumin-positive hippocamapl interneurons are required for spatial working but not reference memory. Nat Neurosci 14:297-299.
- Bartos M, Alle H, Vida I (2011) Role of microcircuit structure and input integration in hippocampal interneuron recruitment and plasticity. Neuropharmacol 60:730-739.
- Sauer J-F, Bartos M (2011) Postnatal differentiation of cortical interneuron signalling. Eur J Neurosci34:1687-1696.
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