led by
Dr. Julia Veit
Our group works on the dissection of cortico-cortical circuits and their role in visual coding and perception, as well as on the impact of specific types of interneurons on information coding and cortical dynamics.
Curriculum Vitae
The lab focuses on circuits of inter-areal communication in the visual system. We are combining simultaneous multi-area recordings with Neuropixels probes, optogenetics and behaviour to understand how different brain areas coordinate their activity and give rise to perception.

- Naka A, Veit J, Shababo B, Chance RK, Risso D, Stafford D, Snyder B, Egladyous A, Chu D, Sridharan S, Mossing DP, Paninski L, Ngai J, Adesnik H (2019): Complementary networks of cortical somatostatin interneurons enforce layer specific control. eLife 2019;8:e43696
- Berry MH, Holt A, Salari A, Veit J, Visel M, Levitz J, Aghi K, Gaub BM, Sivyer B, Flannery JG, Isacoff EY (2019): Restoration of high-sensitivity and adapting vision with a cone opsin. Nat. Commun. 10:1221 (2019)
- Veit J, Hakim R, Jadi M, Sejnowski T, Adesnik H (2017): Cortical gamma band synchronization through somatostatin interneurons. Nature Neuroscience 2017 Jul;20(7):951-959
- De Luna P, Veit J, Rainer G (2017): Basal forebrain activation enhances between-trial reliability of low-frequency local field potentials (LFP) and spiking activity in tree shrew primary visual cortex (V1). Brain Struct Funct (2017) 222:4239
- Lin W-C, Tsai M-C, Davenport C, Smith C, Veit J, Wilson N, Adesnik H, Kramer R (2015): A comprehensive optogenetic toolkit for in vivo control of endogenous GABAA receptors and synaptic inhibition. Neuron (2015) 88:879-891
- Pluta S, Naka A, Veit J, Telian G, Yao L, Hakim R, Taylor D, Adesnik H (2015): A direct translaminar inhibitory circuit tunes cortical output. Nature Neuroscience 2015 Nov;18(11):1631
- Bhattacharyya A*, Veit J*, Kretz R, Bondar I, Rainer G (2013): Basal forebrain activation controls contrast sensitivity in primary visual cortex. BMC Neurosci. 14, 55. (*co-first author)
- Fouillen L, Petruzziello F, Veit J, Bhattacharyya A, Kretz R, Zhang X, Rainer G (2013): Neuropeptide alterations in the tree shrew hypothalamus during volatile anesthesia. J Proteomics (2013) Mar 27;80:311-9
- Veit J, Bhattacharyya A, Kretz R, Rainer G (2011): Neural response dynamics of spiking and local field potential activity depend on CRT monitor refresh-rate in the tree shrew primary visual cortex. J Neurophysiol (2011) Nov;106(5):2303-13.
- Chablais F, Veit J, Rainer G, Jazwinska A (2011): The zebrafish heart regenerates after cryoinjury-induced myocardial infarction. BMC Dev Biol. 7;11(1):21